Provide a FREE, accessible, non-discriminatory Resource Directory for all LA County breastfeeding families image

Provide a FREE, accessible, non-discriminatory Resource Directory for all LA County breastfeeding families

Help us provide a robust, complete, and diverse Resource Directory that can be easily accessed by all and does not discriminate on the basis of income or geographical status.

$6,960 raised

$5,000 goal

/ 150


Fund the Resource Directory Campaign

We remain strong in our belief that advocating for each and every family improves the climate for us all and that we are truly in this together. We believe that in order to reduce health disparities it is important to actively pursue and implement policies and practices that minimize health inequities. We are working on strategies that support all families, such as breastfeeding resource access for all.

One way we hope to achieve this is by providing LA County with a robust, complete, and diverse Resource Directory that can be easily accessed by all and does not discriminate on the basis of income or geographical status. We truly believe that by making the Resource Directory a free service we can bring needed breastfeeding intervention to communities that need it most!