Every year we advocate for countless breastfeeding families. We advocate for mothers and families who had their breastfeeding rights violated, and then we work at the state and national level to secure policies and laws that protect family rights. We provide access to a comprehensive resource directory that allows families to receive breastfeeding support from someone who speaks their language and understands their culture. We provide advocacy training on breastfeeding and paid family leave rights and create toolkits so that families know exactly what their rights are and how to advocate for themselves and others. We research and produce equity reports to show the true state of healthcare inequality in hospitals, and then we provide technical assistance to hospitals to help eradicate these identified inequities. We develop and implement dedicated lactation courses for women of color because L.A. families need and deserve equitable breastfeeding support. All of the work we do is funded by the generous support of our community. It is your help that makes these efforts possible.